Therapy Resources
Here are links to all of my favorite resources that I recommend for my clients.
Touch points work by alternate stimulation through gentle vibrations in order to calm your body and mind down. These help lessen the impact of stress overtime and helps retrain your body. These are safe to use for everyone of all ages and doesn’t create any side effects. Resource: The TouchPoint Solution
TheraTappers uses Alternating Bilateral Stimulation (ABS) with several psychotherapeutic protocols, such as DNMS, EMDR, and others. The ABS creates stimulation to alternating sides of the body which helps aid in the therapeutic process. TheraTappers provide gentle tactical stimulation. Resource: TheraTapper Inc.
Crazy Aaron's Thinking Putty
Crazy Aaron’s Thinking Putty is a great non-toxic silicone putty that lacks scent and has fun color choices. This putty is helpful to everyone, it helps calm anxiety, improves focus, and is a great sensory tool for those who need to fidget in order to feel more focused and calm. Resource: Crazy Aaron’s Thinking Putty